Here's some more ruby-processing code I have been dabbling with. Its future purpose shall be an automation, or mechanism therefore, for decision finding processes. Whereas right now it's just a funny little app that let's you generate boids being attracted to a number of neighboring boids.
The name "Rubykon" is derived from the Italian river Rubicon, where G. I. Caesar uttered his rather famous phrase "alea iacta est" (lat. "the die is cast") when he crossed it in 49 BC as a point of no return - hence the idiom of "Crossing the Rubicon" for making a final decision. Also, since the code's all Ruby, and the -con (-kon in German) part translates to "together", I thought it's a great name for the project.
The boids are all spawned into single threads, as their decision-making should happen autonomously in a swarm-like manner anyway, and the application itself should just render the "outside world" instead.
As always at this stage, it's all far from any use at all (it only generates clumping crowds of boids, really), but to me it's a starting point for something that might be a good, or at the very least, interesting idea: generating decisions bearing swarm intelligence.